Our Upcoming Trips
Philosophy and Music of Friedrich Nietzsche in Germany
Nietszche Retreat
in Sils Maria, Switzerland
History of Psychoanalysis Part I:
Freud in Vienna
Our Mission
A message from the founder
Yunus Tuncel
Studying philosophy and traveling have been my passions for a long time. After I finished my doctoral studies at the New School for Social Research, I brought these two passions together and over the years created a venue through which participants in a travel philosophy class can study and explore the life and the works of a philosopher or a school of philosophy on site. While studying the works of philosophers, we often forget the context in and through which they were created. This context has to do with the places where they lived, the historical conditions of their times, and the people of these times, and I believe it is important to study them as much as it is to study their biographies from books. After consulting with several philosophy teachers who were all encouraging, I embarked on this project with a first Philomobile trip to the Nietzsche sites in May 2010 (more information about this trip is in the newsletter).
Please join us on these adventures.
Our Story
We're serious about exploring and studying philosophy in situ!
Do you enjoy traveling to a new place?
There is nothing better than learning about the world in a new way, but often travel can get bogged down with frustrating details and a lack of direction that time is caught up in finding balance rather than enjoying it.
Traveling to a new place, or a place you’ve been to time and again, is great way to cultivate a relaxed state of mind. We believe that enriching this state of mind with deep learning about the sites around you will consolidate memory so that you go home with that feeling not fading away once you return to the grind of your daily life.
Wander no more!
Welcome to Philomobile, a place for guided tourism. We organize trips so that you don’t have to, and we incorporate each trip with rich cultural immersion, guided tours, and accompanied learning so that you can get the fullest experience.
To fulfill this goal, each Philomobile trip is designed around a theme that seeks to combine real world sites with the imaginations that have lived there. Picture yourself walking into Nietzsche’s house, after having had a vibrant discussion the night before with an accredited scholar about Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
We believe this is where the magic happens, when your mind equipped with knowledge starts to see through the world around it the connection between these rich, abstract ideas and the world that inspired them. When traveling becomes a way of understanding rather than just consuming, so that you can go back to your daily life with a new sense of meaning to give it color and direction.
Calling all Philo-Wanderers!
Philomobile is a travel organization designed for those who want more from their vacations than bland resorts, overcrowded museum tours, and a beach tan. World travel is first and foremost a sensual experience, but at Philomobile we also deliver intellectual pleasure. Instead of cheap trinkets, your souvenirs will be a satisfied mind and body. Philomobile, literally means “moving philosophy” so think of us as a modern day peripatetic school, that offers a unique blend of academic tourism and cultural education. We emphasize learning on site, and our trips are designed for those interested in culture. All Philomobile projects have an instructional component led by experienced professors from accredited universities and colleges, combined with sightseeing led by regional tour guides. In addition, every trip explores the literature, fine art, science, religions, and historical context within which philosophy flourished….
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